Rimbly 'Rampoke' Postlexing is the most dangerous 12-year-old gamer-girl in the universe. Her Dad, Professor Bam Postlexing, owns his own galactic investment bank. He is very proud of his genius hacker daughter, who is like her Dad. His terrible absentee parenting accidentally precipitated one of the best marketing campaigns in galactic history. It involved having a caged gargloid angst beast sent to the foyer of his bank by Xeo Woolfe and Jo Flowars as a complaint about his absentee parenting, which had resulted in their bodily chaosing. There was a sign on the cage saying how bad he was at parenting. The empathy from his banking investors, who were almost all also bad parents, was a marketing boon.
Excerpts here from chapters 6 and 13.
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